
How To Solve 292f-8e72-b05b


how to solve [pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff] error




When dealing with the mail, outlook is one of the best applications around. There are many errors which come while working on outlook. They are mostly found in the versions like 2010,2013,2016 and 2017. In this article we will discuss [pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff].

What is the error?

As we know emails are one of the most used means of communication nowadays. With the help of this tool electronic devices exchange messages. Emails have made the process of communication easier and its success has been increased in the past decade.

The [pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff] error is an error because of which the users get confused. It is repeated again and again.

Sometimes these emails are converted into scam messages. In this way an error is generated. These are so common errors nowadays. The users need not to worry because every problem has a solution.

how to solve [pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff] error

This error [pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff] is mostly seen when the readers try to send mails or receive them. This error [pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff] arises because of the settings made in outlook, these changes are made automatically the user cannot change them manually.

One should not get tense about [pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff] error because now there are many solutions available. We will check the ways we can fix [pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff] one by one.

These are some ways to solve the [pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff] error. If these methods are not working then there is a chance that the PST file is not working or it is corrupted. Then the user needs to repair it.

What is PST File:

PST Stands for a Personal Storage Table. It is an open proprietary file format. It is used to store copies of the messages and calendar events and many other things in Microsoft software like Microsoft exchange client and Microsoft outlook. This open format is basically controlled by Microsoft. Free specifications and free technology licensing is provided by Microsoft.

We can also assume that the file format is also known as Personal folders file or post office file. Whenever this file works in its own capacity as a cache for outlook ‘cached exchange mode, it is then called as Offline storage tablet OST or Offline folders file.

PST files are located on the local computer, mainly they serve to store the archive files. It is one of the essential features of Microsoft outlook mail box. The files OST and PST use a fixed block based allocation scheme.

Whenever a mail of a certain size is deleted from the PST the size of the PST will remain the same. The size can also be reduced by compacting PST files. The content of the PST files can be protected with the help of password, but now Microsoft suggests that there are many tools available which can break the password.

Firstly none of the PST data is stored in the form of plain text.

Secondly Microsoft gives a hint about compressibility, that the data is encrypted with a byte substitute cypher.

Thirdly, Microsoft talks about High, that the High encryption is similar to WW2 enigma cipher.

This information about PST files is necessary, in order to understand the error [ pii_email_a4afd22dca99c2593bff].

check it out if you are facing problems like [pii_email_3dd76af4bcadd8ded428]

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Ultimate Guide on How to Write a Dissertation in 2021?




Want someone to write your dissertation? Take a chill pill because Nerdpapers offers you the best dissertation writing services.

If you want to write a good dissertation for your degree, you need to follow some simple steps. Each step will make your task simple and manageable. Therefore, we present you with some useful tips to follow for writing an outstanding dissertation.

But before that, let us look at what a dissertation is.

What is a Dissertation?

Every student has to submit his/her dissertation before s/he gets the degree. A dissertation is a long piece of writing that you should present as the final project in college or university.

You should not confuse a dissertation with an essay. Unlike an essay, a dissertation demands more information and research on part of the student.

Why is Dissertation Significant?

If you write a dissertation, it gives value to your degree, whether it is a graduate or Ph.D. degree. Through dissertation writing, you can improve your research skills and capacity and also lift your CGPA.

How to Write a Dissertation in 2021?

Follow the below-mentioned steps to write the best dissertation.

The first step to writing a dissertation is the selection of your research topic. You should be careful while making the choice. The topic should have the following features:

Your selection of the topic leads you towards writing the research proposal. Its purpose is to persuade the research committee to approve your topic and to conduct research.

Make sure your research proposal conveys that,

You should write the initial section of your dissertation, i.e., the introduction in a way that grabs the attention of the reader. It should also be convincing enough to engage the reader in reading your dissertation. To create a good introduction, include the following components in it:

The literature review is an important stage in research. It demands a comprehensive analysis of the previous research in the field of study and finds out the research gaps. Writing a literature review involves the following phases:

To gather the information for the literature review, you should read and analyze the existing literature on that research area. It can be in the form of research articles, books, newspapers, reports, chapters, etc. Reading the existing literature helps you understand the research gap that you are supposed to fill through your study.

After analyzing the existing literature, you are all set to write the literature review. In a literature review, you should

Before you carry out your research, design the research methodology. It tells you the right way to conduct your research. The methodology comprises the following:

As per the research methodology, collect the data and start its analysis. After the careful analysis of data, you are supposed to present your findings in the following sections of the dissertation, i.e., the analysis chapter and the discussion chapter.

As the final step, conclude your dissertation by underlining the results and communicating the implications of your study. Try to address the research questions and research problems in your conclusion.

Don’t forget to order your dissertations or paper writing service from Nerdpapers. We provide the best dissertation writing services, along with the custom dissertation writing service. You can ask for dissertation writing help and we promise to offer complete guidance.

Our writers are skilled at professional dissertation writing. So, don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of our dissertation writing services.

All that you need to know about HVUT 2290




There are different types of taxes which all the American citizens are required to pay. A thorough understanding is a must for all and it is crucial to understand the due date, and how to pay the tax in the fastest possible way. Here, we will discuss about 2290 tax or the HVUT 229. Firstly, let’s try and understand what exactly is the HVUT 2290 tax.

What is HVUT 2290?

In the United States, heavy-duty vehicles with a gross weight of more than 55,000 pounds are subject to the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax, or HVUT 2290. The vehicle must also cross 5,000 miles in the odometer to be tax qualified. IF a vehicle is taxable, the owner needs to file form 2290 and pay the HVUT tax  due throuffh an IRS approved e-filing service provider. they can also do this manually, buy filling out the form 2290 and mailing it to the IRS office.

What is the Deadline for paying Heavy Highway Use Tax?

August 31 is the deadline for payment of the Heavy Highway Use Tax. In the event a newly owned vehicle is used for the first time in a month, the payment is due on the last day of the month following the month of First use.

You must file your 2290 Form between July 1 and August 31 if it was your first time driving the vehicle on a public roadway in July.

Tax filing season begins on July 1 and runs until June 30 of the following year. If you need help calculating the due date, you can use the tax due date calculator.

The following parties are responsible for filing the heavy highway vehicle use tax:

There are two ways to pay your heavy highway vehicle use tax:

The Internal Revenue Service is able to receive your completed IRS Form 2290, Schedule 1, along with the payment (a check or money order).

The IRS has approved e-filing service providers for filing 2290, so you can get a stamped copy of Form 2290 Schedule 1 immediately.

You can pay your HVUT tax by direct debit from your bank account when you e-file your Form 2290 through a trusted provider . You need to provide the following information to authorize the payment:

Your bank details are not stored or accessed by the e-filing platform. Thus, if you require a status update on your transaction, you need to either contact the IRS or check your bank account statement.

Read More: Important Tips To Remember When Traveling Overseas for First Time

IRS 2290 Payment using EFTPS

U.S. taxpayers can pay their taxes online by using EFTPS, the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, free of charge. Payment of federal taxes is made to the Department of Treasury. The EFTPS online system enables you to make payments by clicking on a link, calling, or using a special channel designated for tax professionals and financial institutions. You can access EFTPS by telephone or online on a 24-hour basis. The payment calendar allows you to plan ahead 365 days for business and individual payments.

It is advisable to take help from the online portal and submit the tax easily.

How to choose an opal ring




First, decide how much you are willing to pay, and what you want to do with your opal. The combination of these two may determine the type of opal you choose. If you want a ring, or a brooch, you may want a larger opal than for earrings or a petite drop pendant. In this case a doublet or triplet will get you a larger and flashier opal than a solid opal. If you buy your jewelry with investment in mind, then buy a solid opal. Small gifts for friends, children etc are easily served with triplets. It may even depend on what you wear with your opal. A light, milky opal necklace may lay nicely on a black evening dress, similar to pearls, and black or boulder opal on a more colorful outfit.

As far as selecting the actual opal itself, look for what appeals to you. If intrinsic value is not important, then just choose the size, color and shape that you like. It’s your choice, and your opal. There’s no “better” type, or color, as far as personal preference goes. Some people prefer large areas of single color, others prefer a mix of colors always showing. Some like the natural look of opals with inclusive flaws, such a tiny veins (although these lower intrinsic value).

Pattern : good patterns of colors together with brilliance have a large effect on the value and appeal of Opals. Broad patterns or large flashes are more valuable than pinfire and small types of pattern. Distinct patterns such as harlequin, rolling flash, jigsaw, block and ribbon are very rare. Again, in the end it comes down to what you find appealing. Click here to see and learn more SFNCrystals opal ring.

Where to buy opal ring

Opals are most easily bought at stores in the major cities, especially in areas visited by tourists. Such dedicated stores have a wide selection, and usually expert advice on hand. Mostly these will have a smaller selection and just carry the sort of opal found locally. The city stores and many of the field stores will carry both set and unset stones; some field stores will only carry unset stones. Lastly, some prefer to buy unset stones direct from miners on the field, or from brokers there. While this may reduce the cost of the opal, it also relies on your own knowledge and skills to correctly evaluate your purchase.

All opals purchased, except for low-value stones, triplets, etc, should come with a certificate of authenticity, just as with other precious gems. Most stores will sell tax-free if you live outside Australia; just take your passport and airline ticket with you when purchasing.

If you are considering buying a stone for setting later, you should be aware that many jewelers outside Australia are unable or unwilling to work with opals. They often believe the relative softness (compared to diamond and some other gems) makes them prone to chipping and cracking, and so won’t take the risk of cutting or setting them (Australian jewelers don’t seem to have a similar problem, and this concern is certainly over-done).

The skills required to confidently set opals are not as widespread outside Australia, nor is the experience working with opal. If purchasing an unset stone is your plan, you might want to find your jeweler first, and discuss your options before your trip to Australia and your purchase.

On the other hand, most of the opal outlets in Australia have associated jewelers who can set your stone in a standard or custom piece within a few days. If you want a custom piece, have a design in mind, or perhaps already have some other gems such as diamonds that you want to set with the opal, you can take these with you, visit your opal store at the start of your trip, then collect the finished piece a little later, or have it sent to you once you return home.

If you have an heirloom opal that you want reset, your trip to Australia could be the ideal time to do so. Remember, if you take any jewelry or gemstones with you, make sure you get a Customs declaration form before leaving so these are not subject to duty on your return.

Caring for your opal ring

Opal is softer than some other common ring gemstones, and so needs somewhat greater care. Although still hard, about the same as or a little harder than hard glass, opal is not an all day everyday ring stone, like a diamond or sapphire. Don’t do the dishwashing with your ring on, especially with doublets and triplets as the glue can be susceptible to water (rain and similar events are not a problem). While solids are actually OK in water, avoid very hot water, especially a combination of having your hand in hot water, then searching around in the freezer.

The problem for solids with dishwashing is the possibility of hard knocks, not the water itself. Same goes for working in the oven, then a freezer. Don’t use abrasive cleaners on opals, or ultrasonic cleaners even on solids as they could possibly cause cracking, but especially not on triplets or doublets as they may allow water penetration. If your opal has dulled over time, it can be cleaned using detergent and a cloth or a soft toothbrush. Experienced jewelers can re-polish opals to remove small abrasions and marks, and restore the original brilliance.

When buying your Opal ring you should first consider the combination of the Opal’s type, size, brilliance, color and pattern. As with any gems, there are trade offs that have to be made, and once you choose the type and quality of Opal ring, it usually comes down to simply choosing a color of Opal that you find attractive and that meets your budget. Click here to learn more SFNCrystals opal ring.

How to Start Your Music Career As An Indie Artist




Once you are passionate about music, you can turn that into a career. Needless to say, the best job you could ever have in the world is one that doesn’t make you feel as if you were working. That’s certainly the case for any indie artist. You weren’t born into this world with this great talent and passion to let it turn to dust. Fortunately, the chances for solo musicians are fantastic in our modern times – thanks to the internet. And with all things possible via the internet, there are digital distribution companies. Learn more about the independent music distribution that won’t leave you waiting for a big label to discover your talent!

Consistency Is The Key

Just writing songs and doing some recordings won’t get you anywhere without a presence on the internet. Build a webpage to showcase yourself. Tell the world your story about how you found your love for music. Set up a blog on your webpage and get a talented photographer to take some shots of you. If you don’t know a photographer – and a professional one can be rather expensive – you should attempt to join meet-ups for photographers.

As you are an indie musician, there also are tons of indie photographers out there. They share their skills and knowledge at dedicated meet-ups that require the presence of models. None of these models is a pro either, most just do it for fun and it’s a perfect opportunity for musicians to join. Those photographers are usually a well-harmonized mix of professionals and aspiring photographers. Everyone has his own style, not all pictures will be great, but you usually end up with a good selection. You could also ask them to attend a live gig of yours to take some pictures of you on stage. As long as you mention which picture was taken by whom on your webpage, you can perfectly use them.

On your webpage you should, of course, also provide some of your music. Making videos has never been easier in these times either. It’d certainly be perfect if your videos went viral. However, it’s best to keep it simple. You can always make more elaborate videos at a later point. Most importantly about your webpage: create a mailing list. Send your fans tour dates and other hot news! Your webpage will also serve as a contact for digital distribution companies.

Social Media Is a Must

For private people, social media is not necessarily a must, but they play an important role in spreading the word about you. First of all, you’ll have to create a professional profile on all social media platforms. Keep your handles consistent so it’s easy to find you. Link all of those profiles back to your webpage. Whoever comes across your webpage can instantly follow you on any platform via the links you provide.

The hardest part to some might be to constantly create content on social media platforms. You can’t let your social media rest for several weeks in a row – at least not yet. Share photos when you’re writing or recording a new song. Take short videos with a peek view of your new songs. The tricky part on social media is to use the correct hashtags. Maybe you could benefit from an app that finds the most suitable hashtags for each post you make. Additionally, specific programs allow you to create new posts for several social media platforms. You won’t have to log in to each platform separately to send your new post. It’s definitely a huge time saver and you’ll have more time to do what you love doing.

Create Merchandise

Once people have heard about you and fallen in love with your unique musical talent, they will want to have merchandise. Selling merchandise is a nice side revenue you could implement directly into your webpage. You’ll only need a catchy graphic for the start with your logo. If you can’t come up with a great logo idea, you certainly have a creative friend who could give you a hand. It might be an idea to add the address of your webpage to merchandise.

The huge advantage is, above all, other people are promoting you by simply wearing a T-shirt or using your mug in their office. You don’t have to come up with an awful lot of design ideas at the beginning. Just like with the videos, keep it simple. Later on, you could create special designs for a particular song. The point is, digital distribution companies won’t sell merchandise for you, but you have to do it somewhere. Sell it at your live gigs!

Grow Your Fanbase In Different Platforms

Now, let’s come to the most important part of starting your music career as an indie artist. You need to earn money. As live gigs are getting less present and even more parts of our lives move online, you might be out of ideas as to what to do. Don’t be. There are tons of digital distribution companies whom you can contact directly to distribute your music. In contrast to music labels, they do not own rights or copyrights of your music. Your rights stay with you to 100 %. After all, we all know big labels often have other goals with your music. They may help you along to turn you into a big name.

But, and that’s huge but, they tend to take advantage of your talent for their own ends. That means that even if you have your very own style, it will somewhat disappear to make more money with your music. Moreover, you lose the rights to your music. Some of those digital distribution companies will take a commission, however, it’s only deducted from your revenue. Your music is then distributed to Apple Music, Spotify, Instagram, or even TikTok. If you’re a band, the revenue will go to each collaborator directly.

Parting Words On Digital Distribution Companies For Indie Artists

Allowing yourself to have creative freedom is the dream of every artist. Being your own boss is the ultimate goal of every musical venture. The best part about it is though, it saves you the headache of dealing with third parties. AND your music gets distributed all on its own – all without the help of a big label. That’s true independence, isn’t it?

Reusable bottles. Plastic, glass, aluminum or stainless steel?




Reusable bottles. Plastic, glass, aluminum or stainless steel? Which to choose? You have made the decision, you want to start reducing the amount of plastic in your life and the first step you are going to take is to stop using single-use plastic bottles. With this small gesture you know that you are going to save the planet tons of plastic.

Using a reusable bottle for a year will save the world 167 plastic bottles.

You have to choose a reusable bottle, every day there are more options, now you can find a bottle almost anywhere and you are a bit lost… We have analyzed the different alternatives: pros and cons. To help you choose the perfect reusable bottle for you.

Which is the best option? Plastic, glass, aluminum or stainless steel …

Reusable plastic bottle

In this case we are talking about reusable plastic bottles. When choosing reusable plastic bottles provided by Vietnam plastic products manufacturer, you have to check that they are BPA free, avoiding all plastics with numbers 03 and 07.


– More economical. – Light, especially if you buy from this Vietnam engineering plastic suppliers


– Less durable, they age worse.

– They give a bad taste to the water, with the uses the water begins to take on a bad taste in many cases.

– They are very difficult to recycle.

Reusable glass bottle

Glass is a perfect material for transporting water. In addition, these bottles can be easily obtained in a supermarket, for example many sparkling waters come in glass bottles that you can later reuse.


– With a glass bottle you make sure that the water does not take on a bad taste. The water just tastes like water.

– Easy to recycle.

– Their useful life is almost infinite (as long as they do not break …).


– Fragility, you have to be careful with them. For this reason, they are already beginning to be manufactured in more resistant materials such as borosilicate or Pyrex. Many brands choose to include a silicone or neoprene sleeve to absorb shock.

– Weight. A 500ml glass bottle weighs on average about 500g (without water). That’s why we only use them at home.

Aluminum reusable bottle

The first reusable bottle we had was an aluminum canteen. The reason we bought it was the price. A 500ml aluminum bottle can cost less than $ 5.


– Very cheap.

– Light

– 100% Recyclable.


– Bad taste. After several uses the water begins to taste strange, metallic. Aluminum is a metal that reacts with certain liquids, that is why the aluminum bottle cannot be filled with acidic drinks such as juices, energy drinks, etc.

– Inner liner. With use, the interior lining is lost and aluminum salts are released. In some European countries such as Germany, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, the use of aluminum in kitchens is prohibited.

Reusable stainless steel bottle

Stainless steel is the best option for us. It is more expensive than aluminum but the investment is worth it.


– They do not transmit any type of smell or taste, because the stainless steel bottles are not covered with any material. Stainless steel has an extremely thin, continuous, stable and highly resistant passive film that protects against corrosion.

– They can contain other drinks in addition to water: coffee, tea, juices, etc. Both hot and cold drinks.

–  Resistant.

– Easy to clean

– 100% Recyclable.


instead for plumbing repairs

– Price. The price of these bottles is usually more expensive than the previous ones because producing steel is much more expensive than producing aluminum, since the process is longer.

So which one would you choose?

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The Best Superhero Of The Team Name Generator For Games

The Best Superhero Of the team name generator For Games

From the 1930s superheroes have been thought to be a very lucrative business, getting millions of dollars in for collector things, blockbuster hits, and amazing stories. The fantastic comic book sold for more than $2.16 million in 2011 and is thought to be the beginning book of the superhero category. Here is a bunch of superhero team names to help promote the creation of your team name.

So if you are stumped when it arrives in superhero team names, whether they are the alpha-team or the underdogs, this list is where you might discover the perfect team name.

Superhero Team Names

The Aberrations

The Angels

The Arachnid Crusaders

The Augmented Alliance

The Aura Clan

The Behemoth Heroes

The Blitz Guards

The Cardinal Marvels

The Champions

The Coverts

The Crisis Troopers

The Crux Force

The Custodian Centurions

The Demon Witch

The Destiny Knights

The Divine Allies

The Eerie Masters

The Elite

The Enigma Centurions

The Enigmas

The Freak Watch

The Future League

The Galaxy Defenders

The Global Guardians

The Goliaths

The Guardians

The Infernals

The Infinity Squadron

The Inventions

The Ironclad Crusaders

The Justice Defenders

The Maestros

The Maroon Alliance

The Maroons

The Mirage Troopers

The Mirages

The Myriad Oracles

The Nebulas

The Nightmares

The Omega Battalion

The Omegas

The Oracles

The Paradox Outcasts

The Paramount Watch

The Phantom Oracles

The Phenomenon Syndicate

The Pinnacle Rebels

The Pioneers

The Primal Marvels

The Prodigy Pack

The Revelation Rangers

The Shadow Centurions

The Shadow Rangers

The Shepherd Pack

The Silent Ones

The Skirmish Heroes

The Sovereign Soldiers

The Spectrals

The Storm Force

The Storm Knights

The Terra Syndicate

The Thunders

The Trinities

The Vagrant Outcasts

The Vigilante Custodians

The Vindicators

The Void Unit

The Whispers

The Wings

The Wonders

Villain Team Names

In contrast to superhero team names, you also need a name for your villain team that promotes just how despicable they are. So here are a handful of villain team names you can select from.

The Aberrations

The Blood Oracles

The Cobra Heroes

The Cobras

The Crackerjacks

The Crazed

The Daemon League

The Deviations

The Devils

The Feral Squad

The Fiends

The Flux Fighters

The Freak Brawlers

The Infernal Knights

The Infernal Legion

The Infernals

The Inferno Guardians

The Jackal Squad

The Lunatics

The Malevolent

The Marauders

The Nemeses

The Omens

The Outcasts

The Riot Wings

The Supreme Rebels

The Vagabonds

The Vagrants

The Vipers

The Wretched

All-Star Squadron

Alpha Flight

Birds of Prey

Challenger Patrol

Chief Rebels

Covert Alliance



Defenders of the Earth


Doom Patrol



Fantastic Force

Fantastic Four

Force Works

Freedom Fighters


Gen 13

Generation X

Gotham City Sirens

Green Lantern Corps

Guardians of the Galaxy


Heroes for Hire


Infinity Inc.


Justice League

Justice Machine

Justice Society Of America

Kickers, Inc.

Maestro Soldiers


Metal Men

New Mutants


Nova Unit

Omega Men



Power Pack

Secret Avengers

Secret Six

Sentinels of Magic

Seven Soldiers

Shadow Cabinet



Squadron Supreme


T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents

Teen Titans

The Authority

The Avengers

The Defenders

The Golems

The Heralds

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

The Lunatics

The Strangers

The Suicide Squad

The Watchman


Trinity Angels




Wild C.A.T.S

World Watch




Young Justice

Zoo Crew

In the past years, the top-selling comics are notified to be The Amazing Spider-Man and Batman. While the fantastic and well-renowned stories and graphics get readers from across the world, Iron man and Spider-Man can be thought to be the top-selling superhero films. The below infographic outlines the topmost financial statistics of the superhero industry.

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Top 21 Apps to Cartoon Yourself For Free [Android & iOS]

If you are a person who doesn�t like to share normal photographs of yourself on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook or maybe twitter or any of the other app, and you are searching for an app that makes you look like a cartoon.

In today�s article, we are going to list the top 21 popular and also free apps that can turn your normal photograph into a cartoon.

All the applications that are listed in the following post will allow you to easily customize all of the photos of yours and further make it into a cartoon kind of image that will look like you using cartoon face apps.

The applications to create Cartoonish pictures will let you to turn the photo of yours into the faces of a cartoon.

Some of the applications listed below will also allow you to easily turn your picture in a sketch. You will be able to easily create a very own sketch of yourself with the use of these apps on any of the IOS or an Android device.

You will be able to easily save the photo of yours on your mobile and even in the SD card of yours or you can also share the photos with any of your friends and your family.

You can check these different cartoon face maker apps from the list below �

1. Cartoon Sketch

This is one of the most popular applications that are present on this list. It is available for both android and ios devices. It has around 100 filters that will make you look like a cartoon and I am sure you will enjoy this application a lot.

This app will allow you to make both cartoon and a sketch of yours for free in no time.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

2. Photo Cartoon Camera

This app is available only for the android users and it consists of a lot of filters that will make you look like a cartoon. You can also take any of the photos from your gallery and turn it into a cartoon. This you will be able to surprise your friends too by making a cartoon of them.

  • Download from Play Store

3. Cartoon Face

This is one another app which is really good if you are looking forward to making good cartoon images of yours.

In this app, you will be able to turn your image in a cartoon, and also you can turn those images into a video. This app also has a feature to change emotions.

It can turn your photo to look happy when you turn it into a cartoon or maybe sad or any other emotion.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

4. My Cartoon

This app is, particularly for IOS users. You will be able to create cartoon looking photos of anyone that you want using this application. The overall animation here looks cool and a bit of realistic looking cartoon.

  • Download from App Store

5. Cartoon yourself

This is an application that is very popular and it is available for both the IOS and the android users. This app will let you turn your photo into different types of cartoons such as white cartoons, a cool drawing of the cartoon, a sketch of cartoons, and many more. Overall the app is very user friendly and good.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

6. WeeMee

This is an app that allows you to make an avatar of yourself. It is also available for both the IOS and android devices.

This application does consist of many different tools which will help you to make different changes in different parts of the picture and let you customize your own avatar according to your preference. Overall it is a good app with a slightly different approach.

  • Soft112
  • Amazon

7. My Sketch

It has over 20 really good and also different types of designs of sketches that you can use very easily and turn your photo into a sketch. Here you will also be able to change the brightness and also the contrast to make your sketch look even better. Sharing is also pretty easy and it is also available in both the IOS and the android devices.

  • Download from App Store

8. Befunky

The most amazing thing about this app is it will allow you to rotate, crop, straight and allow many other effects to apply on your photos other than making a cartoon figure of your photos. You can also add some of the other effects that you like on any other app.

This app is also available in both the IOS and the android devices.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

9. Bobble

You will be able to convert any of your photos into a cartoon with the use of this application. This app has a really nice interface and also the app is very user friendly. Sharing of photos is also very easy and this app is available in both the IOS and the android devices.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

10. MomentCam

This is an app that consists of unique and different features. You will be able to create stickers, funny faces and also emoji�s of your own with your photo in it.

There are many backgrounds also available on this app and you also be able to add different stickers such as beards, hats and many more. I found this app very interesting and funny and you should try it too. This app is available in both the IOS and android devices.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

11. Cartoon Camera

This application does consist of many different effects to make a cartoon of your photos. It is very easy to apply them.

You just have to pick any of your photos from the gallery and then you will have to edit that photo on your own. Once you are done with the editing part you will be able to share them with your friends and your family. This app is available in both the IOS and android devices.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

12. Moment Cartoon

It is a type of camera that is a bit professional app for editing. This will allow you to make a cartoon o yourself very easily from the photos of yours. It is easy and also free to use.

It does have an inbuilt in professional and also advanced editing tools for your photos. This app is available in both the IOS and android devices.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

13. Photo sketch

This app will allow me to easily creating sketches of pencils and also colored sketches.� You can create images on this app for free. Also, this app is available in both the IOS and android devices.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

14. Cartoon Photo Editor

This app is one another similar one to all these apps which will let you make a cartoon face of yourself for free. Also, this app is available in both the IOS and android devices. It is easy to use and sharing on this app is also very easy.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

15. FaceQ

It is really a good app to make a cartoon of yourself and it does consist of a user guide that is inbuilt in this app which will guide you on how to use this application. Overall the animations are really good and must try and also this app is available in both the IOS and the android devices. Sharing is also pretty easy.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

16. Agingbooth

This app will not make you look like a cartoon but it will make you look old and this is what makes this app very interesting. Also this app is available in both the IOS and the android devices. Use is very simple and also easy.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

17. Prisma Photo Editor

This app is specifically for editing your photos but the good part here is that it consists of many tools which will allow you to make sketches and cartoon of your photos. Also, this app is available in both the IOS and android devices. Sharing is also pretty easy.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

18. Animojis

If you use an IOS device then you might already have this feature inbuilt in your device. This app is for the android yours and you will be able to make a 3D image for any emoji and use it to talk or send video animation of talking emoji to anyone. It is fun to use and also very easy.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

See Also:

  • [17] Best Emojis�??�Apps for Android and iOS
  • Top 9 High Rated Emoji Apps for Your Android Device

19. Fatify

This app will not make you look like a cartoon but it will make you look fat and this is what makes this app very interesting. Also, this app is available in both the IOS and android devices. The use is very simple and also easy.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

20. FlipaClip

Another good app for creating cartoon images of yours as well as Gifs, animations and many more. Also, this app is available in both the IOS and the android devices.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store

21.Face Morph

Not for creating cartoon images but this app will let you create a gif of your own with your face in it. You can choose any trending gif and put your face on it.

  • Download from Play Store
  • Download from App Store


Sp these were the top apps to cartoon yourself free. I hope you liked this article and it was helpful to you.


Eztv Proxy All Right working 100% Unblock Eztv

Eztv Proxy: All Right *Working 100%* Unblock Eztv

What is EZTV?

EZTV is a very popular name when it comes to downloading tv series from the internet for free. This torrent site has been providing the latest tv shows and anime series from years now and its users are facing a lot of to find its alternative. EZTV is also increasing its level from years like improving its user interface, adding new features, uploading new torrents, and much more.

There are a few reasons why the users might not be able to access EZTV when they want to download any new content. Since it is a website, there is always the chance that it is blocked in your region. That’s because they keep moving their servers from the old domain to a new one frequently. So, the best way to access it is by using EZTV proxy sites.

EZTV Proxy sites:

There are many EZTV proxy and mirror sites available on the internet for the users. This helps them to bypass the restrictions implemented on them. These proxy sites are generally safe and secure to use. They use a fake IP address in place of the original IP of the user to grant unblock EZTV. Some of the best EZTV proxy sites are listed below:

NOTE: We Update Eztv Proxy list every week. If the proxy server is not working then check back later… We will update the new link as soon as possible ✔✔…

Note: Here’s a list of 5 Best VPNs for Torrenting with Free Trials recommended by experts to unblock EZTV instantly.

This is the official site of eztv. It was founded in 2005 as a replacement for But who knew that eztv would make its own market? Ever since, eztv has been one of the best sites for latest movies, tv shows, and web series.

This site has reality shows as the majority of its torrent files. People who are interested in watching reality shows all across the United States can use this site that too for free.

Among all the mirror sites of eztv, is also great. This site is also the same as that of the original site. Even the content had not been compromised and new content keeps on coming now and then.

This website is also similar to the original eztv website. This mirror site is America based and provides all the American tv shows as well as web series for free. The users can download their desired show very easily.

This proxy site is a very good option to be an eztv mirror site. This website contains most of the latest tv shows, web series and animes. The users can directly download the torrent file and also use the magnet links to surf around and download the desired show.

This eztv mirror site is very popular among the users. All the latest content here is the best quality and very easy to download. Various torrent files are available here as compared to other mirror sites of eztv.

This proxy site is a great mirror of eztv. Almost all the content from the original site came to be found here. This site is well known for its collection of tv series. It also consists of various movies, web shows, and songs.

This is possibly the best site after the original eztv website. It has got everything the user seeks. Right away from the latest movies, tv shows, songs, and web series. This site also has a very good user interface, so the users have no trouble using it.

Another great example of eztv mirror site is A variety of torrent files are available on this site. It is famous for its security and privacy. Torrents of movies and tv shows are easily available here.

Eztv Alternative Sites:

eztv was one of its kind. People used to love that site for the availability of various torrent files. But ever since it was taken down, many new torrent sites came into existence claiming to be better than eztv. Many of these sites publish even more content daily. Some of these sites have gained recognition all around the world. Some best alternatives to eztv are:

YTS is the subpart of Yify Torrents. The main purpose of YTS is downloading HD movie files. The original Yify Torrents has been shut down, but many mirrors are running now that still receive large amounts of traffic.

It is the third most popular site in the world. 1337x is a highly secure data-sharing tool where users can upload and download torrent files with the help of fast servers. The site has 9 categories to operate. Though you won’t find files on this site on google because it is deep web, it contains a massive amount of content. This is something the users seek in a torrenting website.

KickassTorrents is another EZTV alternative one should try out if they wish to download new movies or TV shows instantly. Fortunately, KickassTorrents provides all those movies and videos at quite high quality for free. The users should utilize it for their advantage before it is taken down.

People who like to use mirror torrenting websites other than EZTV alternatives, Rarbg offers them an interesting choice. They have a torrent search bar in its web browser that allows you to surf around the website with ease. Rarbg has always provided great service to its users and it is showing no steps of slowing down.

Torlock is one of the best EZTV alternatives out of so many options. Until now, this website for torrenting has added new features and niches to its server at a regular pace. Moreover, it has great facilities to download your desired torrent files to feed your streaming cravings.


EZTV has gained a lot of popularity because of its service for its users. But ever since it was taken down, multiple mirror sites have appeared, and they too are performing very well. All the desired content is made available as soon as possible.

The above-mentioned eztv proxy list works perfectly fine and is worth giving a shot. Because of this, you can get your favorite TV shows, movies, documentaries, and much more instantly. However, the user should protect himself from torrent downloading activities through a VPN or a proxy site.


How to Download Free Movies from Solarmovie


The solar movie basically provides you with the link so that you can access other sites on the internet for watching free movies online. The best example is pirate bay which was one of the largest Torrent sites & was protected unless the US government decided to intervene in Sweden�s judicial system & made it legal to operate.

Although watching movies is fun for everyone but most of them are not aware that from where to download free movies hence, the solar movie gives you all the answers related to this question.

The best part is that unlike another website�solarmovie�is not only limited to movies, it also provides you link through which you can access the best popular TV series. �The solarmovie is also popular among its users for�free movie�subscription fees and a wide variety of movies is available on this website. The home page of the solar movie will show you the link for a movie from where you can access it.


Snapshot of the site for your easy reference:

Services like Jio in India have brought revolutionary change in the usage of the internet. Now people of every age group are becoming more familiar with internet and plus country is getting used to with broadband connectivity. With the increase in usage of internet, data consumption has also increased among the users. Now TV lovers love to see online TV in high definition video quality & for them, the solar movie is the best option. �

Mp3Clan (Mp3 Clan) � Free MP3 Music Downloads

There are many other options available such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar etc. which is chargeable and on the other hand, the solar movie is free of cost but full of advertisement. �The only source of earning is the advertisement which is flashed on the website during the accessibility. Although all the users are not in favour of paying high subscription fees for watching the movie. They prefer to watch poor quality videos full of advertisements if the subscription charges are free.�Solarmovie�caters that kind of customer base.

Characteristics of solar movie: �

At the top of the website, you will find the below-mentioned options available. �Let�s discuss them in brief:

1) �All Movies: Wide varieties of movies are available here you can watch a movie as per your choice.

2)�TV Series: Here wide varieties of TV series are available but you will not find movies here.

3)�Movie Genre: Drop down option is available in the movie Genre where you can find action, horror, mystery, sports, comedy & many more types of films.

4)�TV Genre: Here you can see all TV series episodes one after the other and no need to search the link of next episodes each time. You can click on the required option as per your requirement.

5)�Country: You also have the option to select the country name depending upon the region and language you want to watch, you can select the appropriate option.

Above mentioned are the options which you will find at the top of the website.�miningwatchdog��These options will help you in choosing the content which you are looking for.


How to download free movies from solarmovie:

1)�Search for the video: First of all, you need to search the video which you are interested in watching. �After searching the video, you need to copy or cut the URL from the URL box by pressing the CTRL+L the URL will get highlighted.

2)�Paste the video URL: The Second step takes you closer to download your file once you obtain the video URL now you need to search the search engine such as 9xbuddy in the address bar. Now at the homepage of the 9xbuddy, you will see the box where it is written enter the URL of the video you want to download now paste the URL into the box and click on the download button.

3)�Happy Downloading: After pasting the URL it will take time for extraction of the link and after extraction, you can see the various media files available in various quality sizes you need. After selecting your desired file size and quality click on download button your file will get downloaded in few seconds. Post downloading you can watch it as many times you want to watch.


Those who want to watch the latest movies and TV shows simply in one place without any investment you can simply visit the solar movie site. If you are ok with the poor-quality video and advertisements you can watch a solar movie for your content because that same content may cost you on other websites. The only thing which can ruin your experience is advertisements if you can ignore advertisements then you can head on to�solarmovie. The website which provides you with an unlimited quantity of movies and videos.� After downloading your favorite movie, rock on a pair of quality�headphones�and have a time of your life.


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12 Best Extratorrent Alternatives In May 2020

12 Best ExtraTorrent Alternatives in May 2020

This article has been just updated:

The file-sharing scene is in a constant state of turmoil. Torrent sites come and go, and only a few ever manage to attract a sizeable following of users. ExtraTorrent was one such torrent site. However, the original version of ExtraTorrent is no longer accessible, much to the disappointment of its fans. What ExtraTorrent fans are left with are several mirrors of the original site as well as many other torrent sites that have much of the same content as ExtraTorrent did.

This article has been updated on May 16, 2020

Note: Please enable your VPN when downloading torrents. Your ISP can monitor you unless you use a zero log VPN. We’ve prepared the list of the best VPNs right here:

ExtraTorrent Mirror Sites

If you’re not familiar with the concept of a mirror site, let us explain it to you. A mirror site is essentially a copy that looks, feels, and works just like the original site but is hosted on a completely different server and often managed by people who have very little to do with the team behind the original site.

Here are Top 5 ExtraTorrent mirror sites:

Mirror sites are often confused with proxies, but the two could hardly have least in common. Proxy sites act as messengers, allowing you to access content on a certain site without ever communicating with the site directly. Both mirror sites and proxies can be used to bypass internet censorship, but the latter works only when the original site works.

Because the original version of ExtraTorrent is no longer available, all ExtraTorrent proxies pointing to it don’t work. All we’re left with are ExtraTorrent mirror sites.

12 Best ExtraTorrent Alternatives

To many torrent users, ExtraTorrent was the only torrent site that mattered. However, it was never the only torrent site on the internet, nor the most popular one.

The Pirate Bay is one of the oldest torrent sites on the internet, and it has done more for file-sharing in general than any other site there is. Its founders have been waging war with the law enforcement and copyright watchdogs for years, and some have even ended up in prison.

Even though most Hollywood studios would like to see The Pirate Bay disappear from the face of this planet, the site has remained online to this day, hosting countless torrents belonging to many different categories. The Pirate Bay is available in 35 languages, and the site is also accessible via Proxy:

RARBG is a popular torrent site with latest movies and TV shows. Unlike many other torrent sites, RARBG is well-organized and has a clean layout. Each torrent hosted on RARBG features a brief description, cover art, screenshots, and other relevant information. Movies and TV shows are often available in several different resolutions and bitrates—from SD all the way up to uncompressed 1080p Blu-ray rips.

Besides movies and TV shows, RARBG also has categories for games, software, music, and adult content. The RARBG community is tight-knit, and the tracker itself seems to be managed by experienced operators who know how to serve the needs of the file-sharing community.

LimeTorrents is a general-purpose torrent site that seems to be growing and evolving despite the current stagnant nature of the file-sharing scene. Recently, LimeTorrents introduced a reworked homepage, featuring a sleek design with large buttons for popular categories and a search bar that’s virtually impossible to miss.

Unfortunately, the rest of LimeTorrents isn’t nearly as well-designed as the homepage, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from enjoying the site. After all, what matters most is the content, and LimeTorrents doesn’t disappoint in this regard, offering everything from movies to TV shows to music to games to apps to anime.

1337x is arguably the most stylish torrent site right now, and it’s probably how people who are not familiar with file-sharing imagine all torrent sites to look like. Despite the modern design of its homepage, 1337x has been around since 2007, serving fresh content to countless torrent users from around the world.

Currently, the main domain of 1337x is, but there are also several backup domains, including:


Zooqle is quickly emerging as a popular alternative to ExtraTorrent and other large torrent sites. Currently, you can find over 3.5 million torrents on Zooqle, with over 1,000 torrents being added every day. It’s safe to say that Zooqle’s modern design and excellent functionality have a lot to do with the growing popularity of the site.

Right on the homepage, you can see what the most seeded torrents are, search for torrents by name, or browse newly added torrents. Zooqle is available in English and Russian, and we expect more languages to be added as time goes on.

Torrentz2 is a metasearch engine that uses several other torrent sites to collect search results. Because Torrentz2 doesn’t actually store any torrent files, the site has managed to avoid the attention of the law enforcement and copyright watchdogs. Torrentz2 admittedly doesn’t feel as cozy as some of the other torrent sites featured in this article, but it always manages to find the best torrent available. is a successor to YIFY Torrents. Just like its predecessor, is a source of high-quality movies that don’t take a long time to download thanks to their excellent optimization. Although looks and feels just like YIFY Torrents, the site is run by different people.

RuTracker is a Russian semi-private torrent tracker with an incredible collection of both Russian and English torrents. Anyone can create an account on the site for free, and RuTracker doesn’t have any strict seeding requirements. Of course, users are encouraged to share what they download with others for as long as possible, but that’s just common torrenting etiquette.

If you don’t speak Russian, we recommend you use Google Translate to translate RuTracker into English because the site can otherwise be rather difficult to navigate. Once you get used to its layout, you’ll be able to use it without any help. Ads are plentiful on RuTracker, but you can get rid of them using an adblock with a Russian filter.

KickassTorrents is one of those ExtraTorrent alternatives that don’t need a lengthy introduction. The site launched in 2008, and it at one time enjoyed over 1 million visitors a day. Even though the current incarnation of KickassTorrents isn’t quite as popular, it’s still among the most visited torrent sites in the world.

KickassTorrents has a simple search page that looks a lot like Google Search. You can also switch to an alternative homepage, which displays popular torrents across all main categories (movies, TV shows, music, games, applications, anime, books, and lossless music). The alternative homepage has its own search bar, and it also lets you access the community section of KickassTorrents, where members discuss torrenting in several languages.

TorrentDownloads is a great-looking alternative to ExtraTorrent that has TV shows, movies, music, games, software, anime, books, and other torrents. The site isn’t riddled with annoying ads, and most content it offers is legitimate and safe to download. Of course, any torrent site has its share of bad apples, but it’s extremely rare to see a malicious torrent among popular torrents on TorrentDownloads.

When downloading a torrent from TorrentDownloads, you are temporarily redirected to, which is a free service for caching torrent files online. TorrentDownloads does this to protect itself from a potential lawsuit by copyright watchdogs. Many other torrent sites do the same thing, and some don’t even let their users download torrents at all, offering only Magnet links.

Torlock offers over 7 million verified torrents, with hundreds of new torrents being added every day. The site is fast and responsive, and its familiar layout still feels very much relevant in 2020. Torlock users can find a selection of popular torrents right on the homepage, or they can browse the dozen or so categories, which include everything from TV shows and movies to games and anime.

Adult content is also present on the site, but it’s confined to its own category, so you don’t need to worry about downloading an adult movie on accident. Torlock has a news section that aggregates file sharing-related news stories from several news websites, mainly TorrentFreak. If you download torrents on a regular basis, we recommend you visit the news section at least once a day so you know what’s going on with laws and regulations.

SkyTorrents is a search engine for torrents, similar to Torrentz2. Its index currently has nearly 28 million entries in it, which is a truly impressive number considering how little attention the website gets from torrenting blogs and news sites. You can use SkyTorrents in English, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, French, and Portuguese.

To make it easier for its users to find what they’re looking for, SkyTorrents supports advanced search queries consisting of multiple positive and negative keywords. Search results can be ordered by date, size, seeders, and leechers.

The original ExtraTorrent shut down for good on May 17, 2017 with the following message: “ExtraTorrent with all mirrors goes offline. We permanently erase all data. Stay away from fake ExtraTorrent websites and clones. Thx to all ET supporters and torrent community. ET was a place to be….

Despite the warning, many former ExtraTorrent users flocked to ExtraTorrent mirror sites as soon as they appeared. One such mirror site was, which even managed to become one of the most popular torrent sites on the internet, with an Alexa rank of around 2,200.

While is no longer accessible, many other ExtraTorrent mirror sites still are, including the five listed above. The problem is that not all ExtraTorrent mirror sites are safe. Some host malicious advertising and cryptocurrency mining scripts, others try to convince their users to download dangerous software, and others still collect sensitive information about their users and use it for malicious purposes.

The ExtraTorrent mirror sites we’ve listed should be safe at the moment, but there’s no guarantee they will remain safe even in the future. If you don’t want to risk anything, you should instead use one of the top 12 best ExtraTorrent alternatives listed above.


Not many torrent sites manage to become as popular as ExtraTorrent. While the original ExtraTorrent is no longer online, there are many excellent ExtraTorrent alternatives offering an abundance of high-quality content to file-sharing enthusiasts from around the world. There are also unofficial ExtraTorrent mirror sites, but you should be wary of those as many of them have been found distributing malware, cryptocurrency mining scripts, and malicious software.

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Download Netflix Movies Using Utorrent

Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship News and much more

Download Netflix movies using uTorrent

Are you a movie buff? Is scrolling through Netflix your favorite pastime? But when it comes to investing in Netflix, you might not have the money, the means, or might think that what is the point of investing in something you won’t be able to use often. In these situations, we have got your back. If you want to know how you can get access to a wide range of movies or shows on Netflix without having to invest, here is all you need to know. The best way to do so is by using the application uTorrent.

As the name suggests, uTorrent is an application based on the sharing or downloading of data. From here, you can access content that is either pricey or not easily available exclusively.

Now you might be wondering how exactly you can download content, say a netflix movie from uTorrent. Let us suppose you have consumed the whole series of Sherlock Holmes, and now that the movie Enola Holmes is out, you are having difficulty controlling yourself, you desperately want to watch it. What would you do? How would you download the movie using uTorrent? Follow these steps, and you’ll be good to go-

Because phones are the most imperative and portable devices, let’s discuss the functioning of uTorrent on your android/iPhone first.

1.Begin by going to the Play Store and searching for uTorrent.
2.Download and Install the application.
3.Now open the application and search for whichever movie or show you want to download.
4.You will get redirected to another webpage that has various sites for you to download the content from.
5.From there you can choose and download your content.
The same applies if you have an iPhone.

1.You go to the App Store, search for the app.
2.Get redirected and choose from where you want to download the content.

In the process, there are a few things you should know.

There are some BitTorrent terms like leeches and seeders. Seeders are the people that have the content with them, which is then broken into pieces and made accessible to the leechers, who are basically people who download less than they upload. All that matters is the percentage of seeders in a torrent file. When downloading a torrent, make sure that the number of seeders is more than the number of leechers.

Now, if you want to download the content on your PC-

1.simply open Google Chrome, Microsoft Store, or the App Store and search for uTorrent.
2.Make sure you install the application from a trusted website like
3.Now, install it on your PC, run the application. Open it and search Enola Holmes.

In all the files that you get, choose one that is trustworthy, and then follow the same steps as above. But how would you identify what sites are safe?

One thing to make sure of is that when you are using uTorrent, there must be discretion and secrecy. Therefore, always check that the URL contains HTTPS.

You can install the application Safe torrent scanner on your PC. This way, you’ll only get the links that are safe to open and have been tested. Goodbye to all the hassle!

If you want to have access to exclusive subtitles as well, go to Moviesubtitles (*SRT). Happy Netflixing!

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