How Technology Advancements Has Its Impact on Us



The development of new technologies has been taking place since the beginning of human history. From the invention of items such as spears and knives made of stones and sticks to help catch and kill animals for food, to items such as the first printing press and “computer”. The question is: positive or negative effects?

Technology is a word used to collectively describe or represent the progress, abilities, creations, efforts, views and knowledge of one group of people: us as human species. Technological progress was exceptionally rapid in the 20th and 21st centuries. As electronic technologies and machines have been constantly produced and improved, it is likely that in addition to the positive aspects of these new developments, people will also take into account the negative aspects and criticize new technologies.

The positive side

As the old days say: “MUST MATRIX OF THE INVENTION,” that is, needs tend to generate inventions, and each invention is complemented by the need for improvement and transformation. Every day there is more and more progress. Technological change is largely responsible for many age-old trends in the fundamental parameters of the human condition, such as the size of the world population, life expectancy, level of education, material standard of living and nature, work, communication, health care. war and the impact of human activities on the environment.

Other aspects of society and our individual lives also depend on technology in many direct and indirect ways, including governance, entertainment, human relations, and our perceptions of morality, spirit, matter and our own human nature. It goes without saying that these achievements also contribute to economic development, as the efficient use of technology reduces the cost of producing materials and overheads, resulting in economic savings and thus leading to national development.

And the downside

Problems and opportunities often go hand in hand; Society is becoming increasingly dependent on technology. So much so that sometimes we lack the will to think before we act.

We lose patience when it takes more than a few seconds to download the morning newspaper. We expect immediate responses to our emails and expect someone to answer their mobile phone whenever and wherever we call.

Technology is destroying us so much that we can’t even find time to spend with loved ones. It would be amazing to know that people connect via online chat and messaging, even if they are in the same city because they think it’s faster and more efficient, but they forget that face-to-face meetings will never replace online chat.

“technology is friend and foe”

Neil Postman, author of Technopolis, writes that “in one word, technology is a friend and an enemy.” He can see the benefits and see how technology can be seen as a friend of humanity that “makes life easier, cleaner, and longer.” He can recognize that it is good for humanity. This is an almost positive statement based on technologies such as medical advances such as X-ray machines and medicines that help prolong life and help humanity. This is a very positive aspect of progress because we can improve our health and prolong life. But these medical advances are mainly made by companies, who then decide to monetize them. Greed for money weakens moral responsibility; they have lost the goal of saving lives or making people healthy. They create technological advances just to make a lot of money.

Neil Postman also sees that technology also harms human processes. This technology creates a “culture without a moral basis” and undermines social relations between people. This is currently seen in discussions on social networking sites on the Internet. It was created so that people can communicate and communicate, but some people use it as the only form of communication with other people. It doesn’t necessarily help their social skills in the real world and beyond the Internet. People can become addicted to this technology and use it as the main form of building social relationships. This makes it difficult to understand the mymick and body language.


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