
History of Wireless Technologies

The development of wireless technology in all owes Michael Faraday – for the discovery of the principle of electromagnetic induction, James Maxwell – for the equations of Maxwell and Guglielmo Marconi – for transmitting a wireless signal to a distance of more than one and a half kilometers. The sole purpose of Wi-Fi technology is wireless communication, which allows information to be transmitted between two or more points not connected by electric conductors.

Wireless technology has been used since the advent of radios that use electromagnetic transmission. In the end, manufacturers of consumer electronics began to consider the possibility of automation of household appliances based on microcontrollers. The rapid and reliable transmission of data from sensors and controller commands was quickly achieved, leading to the discovery of wireless communications, which we now see everywhere.


With the help of radios used for wireless communications during World War II, scientists and inventors focused on ways to develop wireless phones. Radio quickly became available to consumers, and wireless or cell phones began to appear in the mid-1980s.By the late 1990s, mobile phones had become hugely popular with more than 50 million users worldwide. The concept of wireless Internet and its capabilities were subsequently taken into account. Eventually, wireless Internet technology was introduced. This has given rise to the development of wireless technologies, which are now manifested in many forms.

Wireless apps

The rapid development of wireless technologies has led to the invention of cell phones that use radio waves to communicate from various locations around the world. The use of wireless technology now ranges from wireless data transmission in a variety of fields, including medicine, military, etc. wireless energy transmission and the wireless interface of the computer periphery. Point-to-point, dot-dot, broadcasting, etc. are now possible and practical thanks to the use of wireless communication.

The most commonly used Wi-Fi technology is Bluetooth, which uses short-wave radio transmissions to connect and communicate with other compatible electronic devices. This technology has evolved into a stage at which keyboards, mice and other wireless devices can be connected to a computer. Wireless technologies are used:

While traveling


In business life

In mobile and voice communication

At home

In navigation systems

In game consoles

In quality control systems

The biggest advantage of wireless communication, like Wi-Fi, is its portability. You can use technologies such as Wi-Fi to distance between devices where wiring is not possible. Wi-Fi can also serve as a backup communication channel in the event of a network failure. You can even use wireless technology to use data services, even if you’re stuck in the middle of the ocean. However, wireless communication still has a slower response time than wired and interfaces. But this gap is narrowing every year.

Advances in wireless technology

Wireless data transmission is now available in technologies such as Wi-Fi (wireless local network), mobile data services such as GPRS, EDGE and 3G, and mobile satellite communications. Point-to-point communication was a serious problem several decades ago. But now it is possible to stream multiple and wireless data to several devices connected to the wireless network. A personal computer network can now be created using Wi-Fi, which also allows you to share data services between multiple systems connected to the network.

Wireless technologies with higher speeds at 5 GHz and transmission options were quite expensive when they were invented. But now almost all mobile phones and minicomputers are equipped with technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, albeit at different data speeds.

Modern wireless technology is reliable, easy to use and portable because it doesn’t use cables. In addition to local networks, even urban networks have started using Wi-Fi (WMAN) technology and customer indoor equipment (CPE). Aviation, transport and the military use wireless technology in the form of satellite communications. Without the use of connected wires, wireless technologies are also used to transfer energy from power source to load because the load does not have a built-in power source.

However, the fact that “nothing is perfect” or “nothing is perfect” also applies to WiFi technology. Wireless technologies still have limitations, but scientists are currently working to address flaws and increase benefits. The main limitation is that wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can only be used in a limited area. Wireless signals can only be transmitted over a certain distance. Devices outside this range cannot use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. But the distance limit decreases every year. There are also security restrictions that hackers can use to damage a wireless network. But wireless technologies with the best security features are starting to enter the market. So it won’t be a problem for long.

Speaking of advances, Wi-Fi technology is not limited to powerful computers and cell phones. The technology has evolved to such an extent that Wi-Fi-enabled TVs and microwave ovens have entered the markets. The latest and most advanced wireless technology is NFC or Near Field Communication, which allows users to share data by linking their devices. The use of wireless technology is not as expensive as in the last decade. New and better wireless technologies bring more and more benefits every year.


Wi-Fi technologies have become vital for both business and ordinary consumers. Wireless technologies provide speed, security and mobility and are even used in Voice Protocols over the Internet (VOIP). Schools and schools have started using Wi-Fi networks.


Technology and Our Kids

Since most people are online all the time, I often wonder what impact technology has on our children. Some say that technology is another useful learning tool that makes our children smarter, and some say they don’t have a significant effect. Others, however, argue that the use of technology promotes social exclusion, increases attention problems, encourages unhealthy habits, and ultimately changes our culture and the way people interact with each other. While there is no causal link between the use of technology and human development, I think there are some correlations that are strong enough to encourage you to limit the time children watch the screen.

Is television really that bad for kids? Yes, depending on the show and the duration of the viewing. Researchers found that the impact of quick-editing programs and unrealistic flashing of cropped scenes on screen is associated with developing attention problems in children. When the brain is overloaded with a change of stimuli, it stops doing something and starts to aim. Too much exposure to these troubled programs causes the brain to exercise more in passive perception of information without deep processing. However, not all programs are bad. Children who watch slow TV shows such as Sesame Street are less prone to attention problems than children who watch shows like The Power Puff Girls or Johnny Neutron. Educational programs are slow, with fewer on-screen incentives that allow children to practice listening to news. Children can then practice connecting new and past knowledge, manipulating information from working memory, and solving problems. In short, a good practical rule is to limit TV viewing from one to two hours a day and try to look at the child’s face with shining eyes. It’s a sure sign that his brain has stopped focusing and that it’s definitely time to turn off the tube so he can start thinking, creating and thinking about things (all the actions that develop before the brain calms down).

When you close the tube, don’t be surprised if your hands melt. This technology is addictive because it constantly activates the release of neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and reward. There were cases of technological dependence in children from the age of four. Recently in the UK, a four-year-old girl underwent intensive rehabilitation from addiction to iPad! I’m sure you know how nice it is to log into Facebook and see this red notification at the top of the screen or, even more understandably, how useful a game can be on your computer when you accumulate more “achievements”. I am guilty of obsessively checking my Facebook, email and blog during the day. The usual answer to these problems is “Measure everything.” Although I agree, it can be difficult for children to achieve moderation because they lack the skills to discipline themselves, and they often go the easy way when they are not mentored by an adult. According to a new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, children spend about 5 hours watching TV and movies, 3 hours online, 1.5 hours on texting on the phone and half an hour on phone conversations every day.

It’s almost 75 hours of technology usage per week, and I’m sure these results are published through parental control and intervention. Imagine how children use technology when they are left alone! In a recent article in the Huffington Post, Dr. Larry Rosen understands, “… we see what will happen if you do not limit this active participation. The child still has authority in a very exciting electronic world and in the worlds. Play with toys or watch TV – pale compared to that. “How are you even going to get your child to read a boring old black and white book if they can use a bright and useful iPad instead? Children spend an average of 38 minutes or less per day reading. Do you see this as a priority?

With such frequent use of technology, it is important to understand whether the use of technology contributes to or hinders healthy habits.It is reported that half of high-tech users rent C or less at school. Users using light technology perform much better, and only a quarter of the points have a low rating. There are many factors that can determine the relationship between technology use and poor ratings. One of them could be less hours of sleep. Researchers from the University of Maryland’s Department of Family and Public Health found that children who had three or more technology devices in their rooms slept at least 45 minutes less than the average child of the same age.

Another possibility is attention problems associated with the frequent use of technology. In the future, multitasking, although seen as a brilliant skill in the work, turns out to be a brake for children. It is not uncommon to see a schoolboy behind a laptop, mobile phone or TV as he tries to do his homework. If you look at the laptop, you can see several open tabs for different social networks and entertainment sites, and the phone today is a mini-computer. Thus, when children work in multitasking mode, they do not pay enough attention to learning. This leads to a lack of active learning, the inability to transfer information from short-term memory to long-term memory, which ultimately leads to worse grades in school. In addition, it is almost impossible for a child to master some of the best information processing skills, such as putting out and combining ideas in multitasking mode. We want our children to be deep thinkers, creators and innovators, not passive recipients of information who subsequently use information without thinking about it. Therefore, we need to limit access to multiple devices and limit usage times.

Age plays an important role in discussing the harmful effects of technology. For children under the age of two, the frequent impact of technology can be dangerously destructive because it limits the ability to interact with the physical world. Children under the age of two are in the sensory phase.


Technology Management Graduate Studies

The growing importance of technology in each industry continues to necessite a diverse group of skilled professionals to manage technology adoption and change. Getting a degree in leading technology management can be the right step to starting a successful career in managing everything from computer hardware to information security in an organization.

Technology management review

Technology management professionals are in high demand because of the unique set of skills they possess. In this area, professionals can make decisions based on leadership and management, develop solutions to technological problems, and approach technology management from a systemic mindset.

For all management professionals, some of the required skills include the ability to manage people, organizational design and communications, financial analysis and decision-making. Technology management professionals combine this knowledge with specific information technology and system technology skills and knowledge to effectively guide and make decision-making, forecasting, strategy, and decision-making decisions.

Graduate School of Technology Management

There are several options for managing postgraduate technologies for potential students. Although there are differences depending on individual programs and schools, students usually take a number of basic courses, electives and postgraduate degrees to obtain a master’s degree. This combination helps prepare graduates to transfer current and useful skills to the workforce.

From advanced technology courses to business administration, students can acquire a variety of skills and valuable knowledge. Some technology courses often include information technology management, operations, new technologies and ethics. In addition, students will take courses in business and management, such as supply chain management, sales and marketing, as well as technology accounting.

These courses provide students with a broad foundation for understanding the basics of technology management. Choice courses and a master’s project are built on this foundation to help students focus their learning on a specific area of technology management. Examples of optional courses are Knowledge Management and Relationship Management. The Master’s Project combines the knowledge, theory and skills that a graduate student has acquired on university courses to explore how this ability can be applied to a realistic and complex problem or business problem to find a solution or a specific scenario.

Career development with higher education in technology management

Technology professionals need to develop different skills. In addition to understanding information technology, IT professionals must also be able to manage change through technology and technology systems, integrate business functionality, and take advantage of technology and business management principles to effectively manage business technology functions.

These skills are needed to perform a wide variety of roles across all types of jobs, from the federal government to nonprofits and from educational organizations to private enterprises. From 19th TO 9th TO 9th, Technology Management is a useful tool for gaining the expertise and skills required for all types of management positions in technology-oriented departments.


Impact of New Technologies by 2030

According to the 2012 Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds report published by the U.S. National Intelligence Council, four technological arenas will determine global economic, social and military development by 2030. These are information technology, automation and manufacturing, resource technologies and healthcare. Technology.

Information technology

Three IT-focused technological advances can change our way of life, do business and protect us by 2030.

  1. Big data storage and processing solutions, including big data, will give governments and businesses more opportunities to “get to know” their customers better. The technology is there, but customers may object to collecting so much data. In any case, these decisions could trigger an impending economic boom in North America.
  2. Social networking technologies help individual users create social networks online with other users. They are part of the fabric of online existence because basic services integrate social functions into anything a person can do online. Social networks allow both useful and dangerous communication between different user groups and geopolitical boundaries.

Smart cities are urban environments that use information technology solutions to maximize economic productivity and the quality of life of citizens with minimal resource consumption and environmental degradation.

Automation and manufacturing technology

As manufacturing has become global over the past two decades, a global ecosystem of manufacturers, suppliers and logistics companies has emerged. New technologies for manufacturing and automation can change the way people work in both developed and developing countries.

  1. Robotics is now used in a number of civilian and military applications. More than 1.2 million industrial robots are already in use every day around the world, and non-industrial robots are finding more and more applications. The U.S. military has thousands of robots on the battlefield, home robots vacuum houses and mow lawns, and hospital robots patrol corridors and distribute supplies.
  1. Using additive printing (3D) technology, the machine can create an object by adding one layer of material at a time. 3D printing is already used to model plastics in industries such as consumer products, automotive and aerospace. By 2030, 3D printing could replace some of traditional mass production, especially for smaller series or where large-scale tuning is important.
  2. Autonomous vehicles are now used mainly in the armed forces and for specific tasks, such as mining. By 2030, autonomous vehicles could transform military operations, conflict resolution, transport and exploration, while creating new security risks that are difficult to cope with. At the consumer level, Google has been testing an autonomous car in recent years.

Raw technology

Technological progress will be needed to meet the growing demand for resources as a result of the growth of the world population and economic progress in today’s underdeveloped countries. These advances can affect the link between food, water and energy by improving agricultural productivity through a wide range of technologies, including precision farming and genetically modified crops for food and fuel production. New resource technologies can also improve water management through desalination and irrigation efficiency; and increased energy availability by improving oil and gas production and the use of alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and biofuels. The generalization of communication technologies will make the potential impact of these technologies on the environment, climate and health among an increasingly educated population well known.

Health technology

Below are two sets of medical technologies.

  1. Disease management will become more efficient, personalized and cheap thanks to new technologies such as equipment for diagnosing and detecting pathogens. For example, molecular diagnostic devices provide methods of rapid diagnosis of genetic and pathogenic diseases during surgery.
  1. Human augmentation technologies, from implants and prostheses to motorized exoskeletons and brain enhancements, will enable civilians and military personnel to work more efficiently and in previously inaccessible conditions. Older people can benefit from motorized exoskeletons that help users in simple walking and lifting weights, improving the health and quality of life of an ageing population. Progress in human augmentation technologies is likely to face moral and ethical challenges.


A report by the U.S. National Intelligence Council said that “the shift of the technology center of gravity from west to east, which has already begun, will almost certainly continue as the flow of business, ideas, entrepreneurs and capital from developed countries to developing countries. Country. “. I’m not sure this change will happen “almost certainly.” While the East and Asia in particular are likely to see the most technological applications, current innovations are mostly taking place in the West. And I don’t think it’s safe to say that the center of gravity of technological innovation will shift eastwards.


Technology and Literacy Learning Through the Eyes of Students

The era of modern learning has come. The question is no longer whether we want to integrate technology and education; it’s a necessity. Reality is a huge problem and a threat to long-established educational institutions, which have largely remained unchanged for almost a century. Who would have thought that the letter “E” in the alphabet would forever change the face of e-education?

Technology in education has evolved from basic tools such as counting, pencil, ruler, paper and calculator into computers, laptops, iPads, tablets, software and apps. Advances in technology alone stimulate the way teachers teach, how students learn, how schools are organized, and break down barriers between school and family life. In fact, technology influences the very essence of the future of humanity.

Digital Aboriginal people: a generation dedicated to learning through technology

The importance and growth of technology in the world concerns all aspects of life, including how we learn. It seems that the times when they “opened the manual, read the following pages and answered questions” will be a thing of the past.

As schools resist and struggle to adapt, it is important to take into account the needs of modern digital Aboriginal people in their education. Digital Aborigines are people born during or after the advent and introduction of digital technologies.

This generation is not just used to the technological advances and devices they expect. Resolute measures must therefore be taken to meet the student’s learning expectations. The key will be to adapt to an uncertain, modern, volatile and dynamic global world.

Critical technologies and training portals

Advances in technology make education accessible to all, adapted, individualized and highly adaptive. In fact, technology training focuses on independent learning.

More than ever, students have the opportunity to individualize and navigate knowledge portals using critical technologies such as the Internet, open sources, virtual learning environments, and mobile learning devices. Open sources include MOOC and Web 2.0.

Massive open online courses give students autonomy and flexibility to choose what they want to learn. Web 2.0 is just a way to design and use new web pages. Students will have many options for using open sources through a variety of mobile learning devices.

The virtual learning environment will only improve the learning process, making it fun and interactive. Students have a wide range of teaching resources to do homework and get feedback. In this way, learning will be more interactive and engaging.

Individual learning and using your own device (BYOD)

The role of the teacher will change to provide feedback and give feedback at an unprecedented level. This technology, of course, will also help the teacher with a variety of independent learning tasks, projects, presentations, etc. student with the help of Learning Analytics. Learning Analytics is a data set designed to continuously evaluate and accurately manage student learning.

Digital Aborigines choose their own devices to learn from the world of cloud computing and the Internet. They live in the online world of digital information literacy. Their reality includes learning through educational games and virtual learning platforms. They live in a world where the physical and the virtual merge together.

Learning with technology from a student’s perspective

So what do kids think about technology and learning? How often do we really ask for their opinion and opinion? Do we really think how and what they want to learn? Should what they say really matter for how we teachers make decisions? I personally believe that they add value to table solutions.

My sister-in-law works as a social science teacher in the eighth grade of high school. In a conversation with her, she told me about different ways to use technology in learning. What I found particularly interesting was his comment about how students use technology as easily as breathing.

She explained to me that now only students are waiting for it, but they demand it. She went on to tell me that it was necessary and that it was very pleasant to learn. As an educator, I firmly believe that learning should be continuous, exciting, exciting, curious and continuous.

Students are completely at ease with technology

Humanity must learn something new every day. It should be seen from the window, which overlooks the horizon of each new day. It makes sense to look at learning through the eyes of children.

I often think about how my 7-year-old niece sees the world and how I learn something new every day through her eyes. Like Digital Natives, she wears an iPad and regularly shares videos, cartoons, games, songs, etc. with me. I can literally say that I am studying what a 7-year-old is learning.

Wow, this idea seems to have impressed me. What she has learned through technology can be described as amazing. The ease, comfort and curiosity that encourage her to learn on her own, without forcing her parents or teachers “because it should,” is truly remarkable.

Learning with technology: the need

Never in the history of our world has technology education been assured of creating a better world society in which everyone has the opportunity and accessibility to read and writing.

As mentioned above, “A Student’s View on Learning Through Technology” is a six-part series dedicated to technology and students learning through technology, students and iPads, gaming learning, and virtual learning. Follow the news on next week’s technology-based blog.


Building Technology Strategy for Small Businesses

With the advent of the Internet revolution, technology is no longer an auxiliary function, but has become an engine of growth for enterprises of all industries and sizes. It is difficult for small enterprises in non-technological sectors to formulate a technology strategy, but most do not even have one. Not only do these companies lack money, they have little or no internal capabilities and limited access to expert advice on technology. The lack of an effective technology strategy can deplete a company’s resources, alienate it from its competitors, or even cease to exist. This article provides basic advice for small business owners on where to start. Here are some factors to consider when developing an effective technology strategy.

Legal and state compliance

Planning for technology to ensure that businesses comply with the law and the government is paramount. The last thing a business wants to do is to take a break from its core business and go bankrupt because of the conflict. For example, in the restaurant business should be planned technology taking into account sales tax, compliance with PCI requirements, employee schedules, etc.

Core activity and customer experience

Next is technology that provides core business and customer satisfaction. These are the ones that directly generate revenue, and these are the services that customers pay for. This is the area where business needs to plan and distribute money correctly. For example, in order for a catering business to be successful, it must have the right technology for customer orders, kitchen processing and maintenance. If customers do not receive what they ordered, or are late, it will affect the business of the restaurant. Providing free Wi-Fi can help improve customer service.

Marketing and digital reputation

If a business has to attract customers, it must not only advertise its existence to customers, but also be constantly proud to be one step ahead of the competition. Effective marketing is a very important factor for the success of any business. In today’s Internet-oriented world, most customers are exploring a service or product online before buying them. This makes it very important for every business to have and maintain a good digital reputation online. That’s what the business should plan and allocate the right funds next time. For example, a catering company might want to have a website that informs customers about the restaurant and menu. For digital marketing and reputation, it needs to actively build up and maintain a presence on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, etc. .

Operational efficiency and performance

The next thing to consider is planning for technologies to improve operational efficiency and efficiency. Investing in technology to improve operational efficiency can help reduce costs, reduce waste, and significantly improve business performance. If efficiency savings outweigh the cost of technology, investments in it pay off. For example, for catering companies, inventory and materials planning technology can significantly reduce inventory and product spoiling costs, instantly increasing profitability.

Insouring, outsourcing or cloud

Once you’ve figured out what you want, it’s time to start planning how to get those opportunities. Most small enterprises that are not involved in technology have little or no internal potential, and hiring staff for non-core enterprises can hole in their pockets. Thus, if the company does not have employees with technological skills, internalization may not be a good strategy. Most of the best technologies, platforms and software are now widely available in the cloud and should be considered first.


5 Stages of Technology Adoption

Schools around the world are experiencing a sharp jump in growth, which is painful and inevitable. I am, of course, talking about technological integration. Maybe once a week your class uses a COW trolley (computer on wheels), or maybe every student in your school suddenly holds an iPad, and administrators say the terrible phrase “refuse paper.” Regardless of the level of technological integration, it seems that all of us are at some point in the process of transitioning to new technologies. However, the bitter truth is that no matter how many professional development sessions we receive or how many tools we have, many adults find it difficult to adapt to new technologies. We are approaching the new school year, fully aware that our students will hack media and turn them into their own deviant applications even before we, the teachers, learn to turn on the devices. The solution to this problem is simple. It’s time to take a page from our students’ textbook. We must quickly overcome the obstacles of mistrust, fear and mistrust in order to advance in the race for technology.

Get rid of the fear of new technologies

Unlike the 5 stages of loss and grief, all people (not just adults) experience a predictable series of reactions when faced with new technologies. Knowing that these phases are the same for everyone and that you are not alone against the world can help you get through the phases faster. You can learn to follow your disciples and turn fear into excitement and, ultimately, acceptance.

Phase 1 – Denial

As teachers, we work hard to improve our profession. Year after year, we make minor adjustments to the curriculum, lesson plans, and classroom management systems to maximize efficiency. Thus, it can come as a real shock when administrators report drastic and radical changes, such as paperless lessons and integration of 1:1 technologies (every student works with a device, whether it’s a computer, tablet or even them). Phone). Many teachers will automatically respond to the news. The general answer is, “Never work!”

It turns out that this is a normal response to new technologies. Even children who seem flexible and enthusiastic about each new wave of technological development go through the initial uncertainty. The key to successful technology implementation is to recognize that you will be disappointed and scared. It is ok. Just acknowledging your fear, you will be able to quickly go through this phase. The last thing you want is to let fear get the better of you and paralyze. You might say, “I’m in a panic, and I don’t like it.” But don’t stop there. Get rid of fear and try technology.

Stage 2 – Negotiations

“They can put it in my class, but they can’t make me use it!” You use this technology while observing the principal in your classroom, or use it for the first week of school, and then you postpone and return to your normal, proven procedures. In fact, bargaining in this situation is not so bad. This can pave the way for the actual use of the new device. Even tech enthusiasts will say, “I’ll try to use this, but if it doesn’t work for me, I won’t.” As a teacher tell yourself that you are going to try this technology. If you don’t like it, you can use it as rarely as possible, but at least you allow yourself to try without feeling too much risk.

Phase 3 – Experience

This is the most important step for the successful implementation of the technology. This is a figurative turning point in your way of thinking as a technology user. Once you’ve given yourself permission to experiment with the technology and click on it (whether it’s a new device like the iPad, or a new website, such as, we’ll feel that we’re really overcoming your fears.

You may run into an obstacle by experimenting with new technology. Your frustration may increase, your anxiety may appear again, but don’t let it stop you. Trust not to damage the device by clicking on it. You can always restart, restart, or reboot. Look for help, a user’s guide, or even a YouTube tutorial to help you overcome these obstacles. By experimenting, be open and look for something interesting or useful for yourself.

Phase 4 – Excitement

More often than not, experiments with a new tool are the enthusiasm of teachers about the application for their class. Teachers by nature people are creative and innovative. We always look at materials for the sake of differentiating and adapting our students. As you experience this, you will probably start thinking about how this new resource will fit into your lessons. Conversations with other teachers are necessary to clarify the details and create the conditions for real application in your classroom. Explore the technology online, read blogs and teacher reviews to learn more about the product and see how others are effectively applying it in their lessons.

Stage 5 – Acceptance

The sooner you can move on to the previous steps, the sooner you will feel confident in using the new technology. Acceptance means that you are willing to incorporate this technology into your lesson plans to maximize its usefulness and really get the most out of the initiative for the benefit of your students.

Each goes through the implementation phases of technology at its own pace. However, the realization that you feel the initial failure will help you overcome your fears and achieve a productive level of research and acceptance. As teachers, we don’t always control new educational or curriculum initiatives in our school, but the only thing we can control is how we respond to these changes. Overcoming fear allows us to spend energy more productively. Good luck with what your school is planning for next year. You can handle it. Even if you go without paper!

Each goes through 5 stages in the face of new technologies.

  1. Refusal
  2. Negotiations
  3. Experience
  4. Excitement
  5. Acceptance
    By accelerating the first steps and leaving you frustrated and concerned, users can quickly learn new technologies.

National Economic Reforms Science And Technology Directives

In the second half of the 20th century, President Kennedy took the lead in developing a national leadership focused on science and technology. The trajectory that the United States later charted led America into the space age. Man was no longer confined to this planet. We reached the stars and went beyond. We put a man on the moon, built the International Space Station, launched the Hubble Telescope, which opened the universe to all mankind, and sent Voyager into an endless search to ‘boldly go where no one was before’.

All of this was because the incumbent president was courageous and took the responsibility to lay the groundwork for the United States to adopt a strong political plan that offers so many opportunities to millions of americans. Somehow, over the past five decades, the United States has lost the abundance that prevailed when President Kennedy steered that country in a new direction.

Undoubtedly, there were many miracles along the way in technology, science and medicine. For example, the Internet has opened up a whole new world full of possibilities that you could not have imagined before. Heart transplantation has now become an almost routine procedure. So many other miracles have happened since the early 1960s, but the leaders of the national course of action that would put the United States on the path to a better future have not happened since we sent a man to the moon. . It is within the framework of national economic reform that there is a direct course of action for the United States. The sixth article is probably the most ambitious directive of all existing ones. But this part is vital to America’s future and indeed to the rest of the world. Implementation of national economic reforms is essential for the future not only of the United States but of humanity as a whole, especially when science and technology guidelines are being implemented.

The United States must recognize and take decisive action on the five fronts set out in the sixth article of national economic reform. One of the most important issues is the extent of global warming that affects humanity and the world’s economies.

First, humanity has for too long relied on the fuel of the First and Second Industrial Revolutions. Modern technology has enabled the United States to abandon all fossil fuels while at the same time introducing cheaper alternative green energy to meet the country’s energy needs. There is no justification but greed to hold American society hostage to large fossil fuel conglomerates. Energy independence is now real with affordable alternative energy sources. The third industrial revolution has already begun, and it is under the guidance of science and technology that the energy of tomorrow will emerge as part of the national economic reform. We must remember that when the first industrial revolution unfolded, the fuel that ushered in a new way of life was entirely based on fossil fuels. This was followed by a tumultuous frenzy of drilling and mining that only led to the environmental disaster unfolding today. For the most part, however, U.S. government officials have consistently denied that our industrial infrastructure, which, incidentally, was built and still uses fossil fuels, is the cause of all the environmental consequences of global warming. with the world.

Today, the entire civilization is at a critical juncture. We have developed more technology in no time than at any time in history. The sad reality is that today’s masses of people, not only in the United States but around the world, do not have the benefits that these technologies can bring. More and more people are facing appalling living conditions here and at sea. More than a billion people are literally dying of hunger. The threat of global pandemics is as real as possible. We have developed and will continue to develop better technologies to end hunger and the threat of a pandemic. But the decision to use the technologies available to us and to develop them for the benefit of all mankind is based on the implementation of the Directive on Science and Technology of National Economic Reform.

The entire scientific community argues that radical changes in the fragile state of the Earth will cause events of biblical proportions, as people continue to use and consume fossil fuels. Today, the world is facing the massive extinction of marine life caused by the destructive nature of man in polluting our oceans. It is imperative that the United States change the direction, the persistence of erroneous ideologies and views that have prevailed for too long for this nation to ever rise from the ashes of our economic crisis. As part of the Science and Technology Directive, when Phoenix rises to lead the world in alternative energy. It’s like a six million-dollar man’s discovery: “We have technologies that will make him better, faster and stronger.” Guess what we’re actually doing.

To understand what has happened in the last hundred years of industrial revolutions that led to the global crisis, we need to look at the peak time of the second industrial revolution. In 1980, for the first time, scientists were really concerned about the impact of all the carbon released into the atmosphere by industrial complexes and our vehicles. It seems that throughout history there have been industrial changes using new technologies, and there is also an economic revolution. These new emerging energy sources allow for more independent economic activity. This, in turn, creates more opportunities for business development. Along with all these new technologies, there are improvements in communication or so-called revolutions that form the basis of people’s ability to organize, manage and control a new, more stable set of spatial dynamics. All this thanks to developing energy technologies.

In 1994, a new convergence of communications and energy invaded society. Internet technologies and the resurgence of renewable energy were about to merge into a powerful new infrastructure that would drive the Third Industrial Revolution. This third industrial revolution has already begun. And he’s going to change the world forever. Just think that over the next 50 years, hundreds of millions of people around the world will be able to produce their own green energy in their homes, offices and factories.


The Value of Technology in Educating Young Children

Are young children well suited to technology? Modern technologies are very powerful because they are based on one of the strongest genetic biases we have – the preference for information presented visually. The human brain prefers information presented visually. Television, movies, videos and most computer programs are very visual and therefore attract and retain the attention of young children. When young children sit for hours in front of the TV, they do not develop a different perception. But most useful for young children technologies that are interactive and allow children to develop curiosity, problem solving and independence.

Technology plays a key role in all aspects of American life that will only grow in the future. As the technology has become easier to use, at the same time, children have increased their use. Pre-school teachers have a duty to critically examine the impact of technology on children and are willing to use it for the benefit of children. Children’s educators must be more responsible for changing the lives of children and their families.

There are several problems with the use of technology by young children:

The important role of the teacher in assessing the appropriate use of technology.
A combination of technology in programs for young children
Stereotypes and violence in software
Equal access to technology
Attracting technology for professional development
The role of teachers and parents as advocates

The role of the teacher is important in making the right decisions about using technology for potential benefits. Choosing the right software is a bit like choosing the perfect set of books for the classroom. Teachers should use computers to introduce new learning and development strategies. Computers are inherently attractive to young children. Sound and graphics will attract the child’s attention. Appropriate software engages children in creative play, learning, problem solving and communication. Children determine pace and action.

They can repeat the process or action as many times as they want and experiment with variations. They can make decisions together and share their discoveries and creations. Well-designed software for young children grows with the child, allowing him to solve new problems as he becomes more experienced. Appropriate visual and verbal cues built into the software expand the theme and game abilities, while maintaining control over the child. The child has a large collection of images, sounds and all kinds of information. The program is age-appropriate even for children between three and four years old. This shows that technology can improve a child’s cognitive and social skills. It’s a window into a child’s way of thinking.

Each class has its own philosophy, values, themes and activities. Pre-school teachers should promote equal access to technology for all children and their families. Modern technology is very powerful because they are based on one of the strongest prejudices that we have. The problem is that many modern technologies are very passive. For this reason, they do not give children the quality and quantity of important emotional, social, cognitive or physical experiences they need at a young age.

Unfortunately, technology is often used to replace social situations, but they need to be used to improve human interaction. In the current decade, research has gone beyond simple questions about technology. Very young children demonstrate comfort and confidence in the use of computers. They can activate them, monitor images and use situational and visual cues to understand and talk about their activities. Typing on a keyboard doesn’t seem like a problem; in fact, it seems a matter of pride. Recent technological developments make it easy to use a computer even for children with physical and emotional disabilities. In addition to improving their mobility and sense of control, computers can also help improve self-esteem.

Thus, the exceptional value of technology is no longer questioned. Studies show that for children strong is not only physical, but also reasonable. Computer views are often more manageable, flexible, and expandable. To add more, there are a number of specialized programs that allow children with certain processing difficulties to have a multimedia presentation of content so that they can better understand and process the material. Even today, there are a number of good programs that focus on math or reading. These very interesting programs motivate children to read better and learn to solve math problems. When information is presented in a fascinating way, it’s a lot easier than looking at a single page with multiple columns of numbers that you need to add up.

We are always looking for a magic wand that disappears and dissolves all our programs. And today, the magic wand in our lives is technology. This not only improves academic skills, reduces drop-outs, but also reduces the racial attainment gap. The danger, however, is that computers are only used to reinforce the national trend of early acquisition, and additional academic skills and other important development needs are ignored. In addition, there is a concern that development needs that are not met by technology will be ignored or seriously threatened: physical games, community exploration and outdoor nature; art, music and dance; learn certain social skills and moral values and experience diversity in countless ways.

In most programs and schools for young children, technology will be part of the learning environment of the future. To make effective use of this new technology, we need to ensure that teachers are fully trained and supported, as well as that they are in line with developmental requirements, the absence of racism, impartiality towards people with disabilities, and respect for religious differences.


How Technology Advancements Has Its Impact on Us

The development of new technologies has been taking place since the beginning of human history. From the invention of items such as spears and knives made of stones and sticks to help catch and kill animals for food, to items such as the first printing press and “computer”. The question is: positive or negative effects?

Technology is a word used to collectively describe or represent the progress, abilities, creations, efforts, views and knowledge of one group of people: us as human species. Technological progress was exceptionally rapid in the 20th and 21st centuries. As electronic technologies and machines have been constantly produced and improved, it is likely that in addition to the positive aspects of these new developments, people will also take into account the negative aspects and criticize new technologies.

The positive side

As the old days say: “MUST MATRIX OF THE INVENTION,” that is, needs tend to generate inventions, and each invention is complemented by the need for improvement and transformation. Every day there is more and more progress. Technological change is largely responsible for many age-old trends in the fundamental parameters of the human condition, such as the size of the world population, life expectancy, level of education, material standard of living and nature, work, communication, health care. war and the impact of human activities on the environment.

Other aspects of society and our individual lives also depend on technology in many direct and indirect ways, including governance, entertainment, human relations, and our perceptions of morality, spirit, matter and our own human nature. It goes without saying that these achievements also contribute to economic development, as the efficient use of technology reduces the cost of producing materials and overheads, resulting in economic savings and thus leading to national development.

And the downside

Problems and opportunities often go hand in hand; Society is becoming increasingly dependent on technology. So much so that sometimes we lack the will to think before we act.

We lose patience when it takes more than a few seconds to download the morning newspaper. We expect immediate responses to our emails and expect someone to answer their mobile phone whenever and wherever we call.

Technology is destroying us so much that we can’t even find time to spend with loved ones. It would be amazing to know that people connect via online chat and messaging, even if they are in the same city because they think it’s faster and more efficient, but they forget that face-to-face meetings will never replace online chat.

“technology is friend and foe”

Neil Postman, author of Technopolis, writes that “in one word, technology is a friend and an enemy.” He can see the benefits and see how technology can be seen as a friend of humanity that “makes life easier, cleaner, and longer.” He can recognize that it is good for humanity. This is an almost positive statement based on technologies such as medical advances such as X-ray machines and medicines that help prolong life and help humanity. This is a very positive aspect of progress because we can improve our health and prolong life. But these medical advances are mainly made by companies, who then decide to monetize them. Greed for money weakens moral responsibility; they have lost the goal of saving lives or making people healthy. They create technological advances just to make a lot of money.

Neil Postman also sees that technology also harms human processes. This technology creates a “culture without a moral basis” and undermines social relations between people. This is currently seen in discussions on social networking sites on the Internet. It was created so that people can communicate and communicate, but some people use it as the only form of communication with other people. It doesn’t necessarily help their social skills in the real world and beyond the Internet. People can become addicted to this technology and use it as the main form of building social relationships. This makes it difficult to understand the mymick and body language.