Category: home

  • History of Wireless Technologies

    The development of wireless technology in all owes Michael Faraday – for the discovery of the principle of electromagnetic induction, James Maxwell – for the equations of Maxwell and Guglielmo Marconi – for transmitting a wireless signal to a distance of more than one and a half kilometers. The sole purpose of Wi-Fi technology is…

  • Technology and Our Kids

    Since most people are online all the time, I often wonder what impact technology has on our children. Some say that technology is another useful learning tool that makes our children smarter, and some say they don’t have a significant effect. Others, however, argue that the use of technology promotes social exclusion, increases attention problems,…

  • Technology Management Graduate Studies

    The growing importance of technology in each industry continues to necessite a diverse group of skilled professionals to manage technology adoption and change. Getting a degree in leading technology management can be the right step to starting a successful career in managing everything from computer hardware to information security in an organization. Technology management review…

  • Impact of New Technologies by 2030

    According to the 2012 Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds report published by the U.S. National Intelligence Council, four technological arenas will determine global economic, social and military development by 2030. These are information technology, automation and manufacturing, resource technologies and healthcare. Technology. Information technology Three IT-focused technological advances can change our way of life, do…

  • Technology and Literacy Learning Through the Eyes of Students

    The era of modern learning has come. The question is no longer whether we want to integrate technology and education; it’s a necessity. Reality is a huge problem and a threat to long-established educational institutions, which have largely remained unchanged for almost a century. Who would have thought that the letter “E” in the alphabet…

  • Building Technology Strategy for Small Businesses

    With the advent of the Internet revolution, technology is no longer an auxiliary function, but has become an engine of growth for enterprises of all industries and sizes. It is difficult for small enterprises in non-technological sectors to formulate a technology strategy, but most do not even have one. Not only do these companies lack…

  • 5 Stages of Technology Adoption

    Schools around the world are experiencing a sharp jump in growth, which is painful and inevitable. I am, of course, talking about technological integration. Maybe once a week your class uses a COW trolley (computer on wheels), or maybe every student in your school suddenly holds an iPad, and administrators say the terrible phrase “refuse…

  • National Economic Reforms Science And Technology Directives

    In the second half of the 20th century, President Kennedy took the lead in developing a national leadership focused on science and technology. The trajectory that the United States later charted led America into the space age. Man was no longer confined to this planet. We reached the stars and went beyond. We put a…

  • The Value of Technology in Educating Young Children

    Are young children well suited to technology? Modern technologies are very powerful because they are based on one of the strongest genetic biases we have – the preference for information presented visually. The human brain prefers information presented visually. Television, movies, videos and most computer programs are very visual and therefore attract and retain the…

  • How Technology Advancements Has Its Impact on Us

    The development of new technologies has been taking place since the beginning of human history. From the invention of items such as spears and knives made of stones and sticks to help catch and kill animals for food, to items such as the first printing press and “computer”. The question is: positive or negative effects?…