Patents are the greatest source of technological information. The patent is issued to the inventor as a reward for his innovation in the form of an exclusive monopoly right for a period of 20 years from the date of the invention’s priority. Thanks to the advances of the computer industry and the Internet, these valuable documents are now available to the general public. Any specialist in the field can go to different patent databases and obtain the required patent document after a search. There are several patent databases, namely USPTO, EPO, JPO, etc., that are available to the public. If we look at patents related to a particular technological field, we can find a lot of information about the life cycle of technological innovation, namely:
the way a particular technology is developed
About technological development,
o Technological diversification,
About the merger of technology,
about the big players in a particular technology field,
about the key points of a particular technology,
“The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has found that 90-95% of all inventions in the world are in patented documents.”
Patent analysis can reveal very valuable information that is nowhere to be found. After searching for a patent, the most important part is the analysis of the patent, and the purpose of the study should be described very briefly. Information in patent documents can be used in various forms as needed and displayed accordingly to visualize the full analysis as images.
Patent data can be used to prepare technological landscapes. Logistics mathematics and circular mathematics can be very useful in mapping the technological landscape. It can reveal the evolutionary trend of technology as it has evolved from a basic technology, as well as a period of technological diversification and its nature. These maps will also provide a detailed look at how different technologies come together to create breakthrough technologies. These types of maps will be very useful for research and development contacts to assess the position of their research and technology, and they will find ways to introduce better and more valuable technologies.
In today’s global environment, companies need to know what technologies can easily overwhelm and possibly test their competitors. They should also be familiar with areas of technology where there is fierce competition and areas where competitors are concentrating on intellectual property development and research and development. They should be able to follow strategies for obtaining and developing patents and mapping a competitive environment. To evaluate technology before making an investment decision, companies need to know how quickly technology patenting is taking place, what patents embody fundamental ideas in technology, and how vulnerable the company’s technology is to technological disruptions. This gives them important information when choosing between technological development and technology acquisition.
The ability to extract relevant information from patent literature is a decisive factor in success for all those involved in technological innovation. A mapping technology technique that can be used to transform patent information into knowledge that can influence decision-making.
Patents are an important source of technological information that companies can use to gain a strategic advantage. Technological intelligence can be used to collect, analyze, predict, and manage external technological information, including patent information. Computer mapping of patents is a methodology for developing and applying a technology base for technology and business intelligence. The main result of patent mapping is the visualization of knowledge through landscape and maps. These maps provide valuable information about technological evolution/revolution, the nature of various types of innovative work; High; Clean; and new players, the latest valuation methods, etc.
These types of technology maps will prove to be a valuable multiplier for research and development, including:
Develop additional information in accordance with the strategic requirements and policy formulation of the organization
Predict and identify technology and industry trends
Help visualize the alternative paths of development and growth available to the organization
Allow preventive recognition and action regarding potential licensing opportunities
o Identifying partners and potential customers
Identify technological gaps and opportunities in selected technologies
Monitoring and evaluating the process of competitors and potential competitors
Support decisions about intrusions and investments in certain technologies and subtechnology
o Keep an eye on the technological progress of competitors and warn against new entrants in this area.
o Identify gaps or areas of opportunity in a dense technology field
o Creative tool for modeling new ideas and creating new IP addresses
o In addition to corporate IP archiving policies
Support for technology proposals for large-scale projects at the national and international level
o Accompanying investments and technology checks of companies
Patent mapping can be an integral part of intellectual property management. It can reveal valuable information hidden in patents and can provide useful indicators of technical trends, market trends, competitor changes, as well as the company’s technology profile and innovation potential. Patent cards are visual representations of patent information that has been extracted and merged or grouped together to highlight specific characteristics. Visualization is highly flexible, which can take the form of time series or spatial maps. We provide more opportunities to analyze the entire portfolio of market-oriented and technology-oriented patents with our patent mapping services. Patent mapping can be used to determine the quality of patents associated with dominant technology and the extent to which patents affect technology. This is a valuable contribution to buying/developing technology and research and development decisions. Patent mapping can be important for companies that have an underutilized patent profile and want to license/award it on the most favorable terms, and for companies seeking to strengthen a patent portfolio in a particular technological area.
Professional specialization alone is not enough, but analytical thinking and innovation are very important.
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