Festival Season DW 06 03 2011



More than just drinking, the festival site is decorated with attractions, games, shops and food stalls. Although Germans are known to be highly bureaucratic people, they also know how to have fun and enjoy life. The well-attended carnivals and festivals best demonstrate this claim. Both types of events are a joyous time of year when entire cities participate in colorful parties and celebrations.

“Lively” doesn’t even begin by describing this event, which receives about 2 million viewers each year, plus energetic musical performances, floats and a host of Puerto Rican celebrities. This free park department festival takes place up and down Riverside Park. The celebration includes concerts, Oktoberfest 2023 dance performances, wellness activities, movies and children’s shows. Karaoke nights, a kite festival, life-size chess tournaments and Make Some Noise, an evening dedicated to women in music, are among the special events. In Germany, the funeral lasts 3 to 4 days after the death of the person.

International and national trade fairs in Germany are complemented by a dense network of regional fairs for trade and public visitors. Every year, around 55,000 exhibitors and around 6 million visitors come together at these events. Internationality on the exhibitor and visitor side is the main advantage of German trade fairs in global competition.

Carnivals have a long history in Catholicism, while today they are celebrated with street parades of people in costumes and masks. There are several carnivals and festivals that celebrate all spheres of life and joy. The biggest party in the world for beer and shooter, a rather unique combination, has been held for almost 500 years. Organized annually in July, some 5,000 shooters attend, with the best shooters in the Shooter Parade, the highlight of the event.

Breweries are also represented in parades with beer carts and floats along with people in folkloric costumes. Other entertainment includes games, attractions, music and dance. Oktoberfest attracts more than six million people every year, including many tourists.

Label headhunters, aspiring indie and underground music fans come with tens of thousands at a time. It took place and started a day earlier than usual in the southern part of the festival site. A specially brewed beer, horse races and a museum tent gave visitors an impression of what the event felt like two centuries ago.

Whether you’re here to enjoy the best German meals or to sample the country’s history and culture, this is the best place to start. From the lively stalls with all sorts of beautiful decorations, German delicacies and works of art to the old medieval structures surrounding it, it’s a sight you don’t want to miss. And if you’re a wine lover, the tasty mulled wine, along with the captivating seasonal tunes, is sure to lighten your day. Located in Leipzig’s historic center, outside the Old Town Hall, the market welcomes its visitors with more than 250 beautifully decorated stalls filled with charming Christmas gifts.